Astrodynamical Models

This tutorial will briefly introduce propagating and plotting orbits in the astrodynamical models provided by OrbitalTrajectories.jl

Here, we will reproduce Figure 3 from the OrbitalTrajectories.jl paper[Padilha2021], which shows example trajectories in the Earth-Moon(-Sun) system.

Load packages

First, we load all necessary packages:

using OrbitalTrajectories
using DifferentialEquations  # To propagate trajectories
using Plots                  # To plot trajectories
using Unitful                # Units (u"km", u"d" (days)) and unit conversion

Build astrodynamical models

We build a set of astrodynamical models (systems) in the Earth-Moon(-Sun) system. This includes:

  • Circular Restricted 3-Body Problem (CR3BP) for Earth-Moon
  • Elliptic Restricted 3-Body Problem (ER3BP) for Earth-Moon
  • Bi-Circular Restricted 4-Body Problem (BC4BP) for Earth-Moon-Sun
  • Ephemeris Restricted N-Body Problem (EphemerisNBP) for Earth-Moon-Sun
a, b, c = (:Earth, :Moon, :Sun)

# The EphemerisNBP model requires a timespan in seconds, rather than radians.
tspan       = (0.88π, 2.83π)
tspan_epoch = ustrip.(u"s", tspan .* R3BPSystemProperties(a, b).T)

# Define the systems to test.
# xoffset/yoffset are used to offset the model labels in the resulting plot.
systems = Dict(
  CR3BP(a, b)           => (color=:blue,   tspan=(0.88π, 2.88π), xoffset=-0.06, yoffset=-0.04),
  ER3BP(a, b)           => (color=:red,    tspan=(0.88π, 3.00π), xoffset=-0.06, yoffset=-0.04),
  BC4BP(a, b, c)        => (color=:green,  tspan=(0.88π, 2.85π), xoffset=-0.05, yoffset=-0.06),
  EphemerisNBP(a, b, c) => (color=:orange, tspan=tspan_epoch,    xoffset=-0.20, yoffset=-0.02)

Initial state and reference frame

We specify an initial state simply as a vector of $[x_0, y_0, z_0, \dot{x}_0, \dot{y}_0, \dot{z}_0]$. The state we provide is defined in a normalised synodic rotating frame, so we specify the initial frame as SynodicFrame().

u0       = [0.76710535, 0., 0., 0., 0.47262724, 0.]
u0_frame = SynodicFrame()

Simple propagation and plotting

We can propagate a trajectory by creating an initial state object State, providing the desired astrodynamical model (sys), initial state vector (u0), initial state reference frame (u0_frame), and propagation timespan (tspan).

To propagate, we simply call solve(state).

For example, to plot in the Circular Restricted 3-Body Problem (CR3BP):

# Create the initial state
state = State(CR3BP(:Earth, :Moon), u0_frame, u0, tspan)

# Propagate the state to compute a trajectory
trajectory = solve(state)

# Plot the trajectory
plot(trajectory; legend=:bottomright)

Propagate and plot in all the models

Here we propagate and plot trajectories in all of the aforementioned models.

First, set up some plotting options as follows.

plot_attrs = (thickness_scaling=0.75, legendfontsize=9, tickfontsize=9, guidefontsize=10,
              titlefontsize=10, bg_color_legend=RGBA(1, 1, 1, 0.8), fg_color_legend=nothing,
p = plot();

# Keep track of the maximum x and y limits
xlim = (Inf, -Inf)
ylim = (Inf, -Inf)

To plot in the original reference frame (i.e. normalised synodic rotating frame), we simply call plot(trajectory, u0_frame).

for (i, (sys, opts)) in enumerate(systems)
    # Create the initial state
    state = State(sys, u0_frame, u0, opts.tspan)

    # Propagate it to compute the trajectory
    trajectory = solve(state)

    # Plot the trajectory
    plot!(p, trajectory, u0_frame; label="", color=opts.color, nolabels=(i!=1))

    # Add a label for the model name
    traj_converted = convert_to_frame(trajectory, u0_frame)
    annotate!(p, [(traj_converted.sol[end][1] + opts.xoffset,
                   traj_converted.sol[end][2] - opts.yoffset,
                   Plots.text("$(nameof(typeof(sys)))" *
                    ((isa(sys, EphemerisNBP) || isa(sys, BC4BP)) ? "\n(+ $(String(c)))" : ""),
                   opts.color, :left, 9, 0.))]);

    # Add a label for barycenter
    (i == 1) && hline!(p, [0.]; linecolor=:black, linestyle=:solid,
                       label="$(titlecase(String(a)))-$(titlecase(String(b))) Barycenter")

    # Expand the plot limits to the biggest size
    global xlim, ylim  # we want to override the global variables outside this scope
    xlim = (min(xlim[1], xlims()[1]), max(xlim[2], xlims()[2]))
    ylim = (min(ylim[1], ylims()[1]), max(ylim[2], ylims()[2]))
    plot!(p; xlims=xlim, ylims=ylim, plot_attrs...)
p  # Display the final plot
  • Padilha2021Dan Padilha, Diogene A. Dei Tos, Nicola Baresi, Junichiro Kawaguchi, "Modern Numerical Programming with Julia for Astrodynamic Trajectory Design", 31st AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting, 2021.