State Transition Matrices (STMs)

This tutorial will briefly introduce computing and plotting State Transition Matrices (STMs) for any of the astrodynamical models provided by OrbitalTrajectories.jl.

Here, we will reproduce Figure 4 from the OrbitalTrajectories.jl paper[Padilha2021], which shows example trajectories and traces out the maximum eigenvalue of their STMs.

Load packages

First, we load all necessary packages:

using OrbitalTrajectories
using DifferentialEquations  # To propagate trajectories
using Plots                  # To plot trajectories
using LinearAlgebra          # To compute matrix eigenvalues

Orbit data

We build a structure to store the orbit data necessary. This data comes from Table 1 of this paper.[Pellegrini2016] Note that we include the Sun as a (fourth) body for higher-order propagation in BC4BP and EphemerisNBP.

test_cases = [(
    system = (:Jupiter, :Europa, :Sun),
    u0     = [-0.1017472008677258, 0., 0., 0., -0.01806028472285857, 0.],
    μ      = 2.528009215182033e-5,
    t_p    = 25.13898226959327,
    λ_max  = 2.468621114047195,
    plot_args = (label="7:4 resonant\n(Jupiter-Europa)", xlim=(-1.15, 1.07))
), (
    system = (:Jupiter, :Europa, :Sun),
    u0     = [0.04867586089512202, 0., 0., 0., -0.09354853663949217, 0.],
    μ      = 2.528009215182033e-5,
    t_p    = 70.53945041512506,
    λ_max  = 2.804814246519340e7,
    plot_args = (label="8:11 + flybys\n(Jupiter-Europa)", xlim=(-1.37, 1.35))
), (
    system = (:Earth, :Moon, :Sun),
    u0     = [-0.013059020050628, 0., 0.07129515195874, 0., -0.526306975588415, 0.],
    μ      = 0.01215509906405700,
    t_p    = 2.517727406553485,
    λ_max  = 17.632688124231755,
    plot_args = (label="L1 halo orbit\n(Earth-Moon)", xlim=(0.8, 1.015))

Propagate & plot trajectory

For demonstration, we first propagate and plot one of the test cases above in the Circular Restricted 3-Body Problem (CR3BP).

case = test_cases[1]  # Pick the first test case

# Build the system
# NOTE: overriding the default mass parameter μ with the one provided by [Pellegrini2016]
system = CR3BP(case.system[1:2]...; μ=case.μ)

# Propagation timespan
t_init = π/4  # Arbitrary initial time, does not matter for CR3BP
tspan  = (t_init, t_init + case.t_p)

# Initial state vector in [Pellegrini2016] is relative to secondary body
u0 = copy(case.u0)
u0[1] += 1 - case.μ

# Build the initial state and propagate it
state = State(system, SynodicFrame(), u0, tspan)
trajectory = solve(state)
plot(trajectory; legend=:bottomleft, case.plot_args...)

Compute State Transition Matrix (STM)

We can compute the STM using one of several methods:

  • Automatic Differentiation (AD) – using the ForwardDiff package.
  • Finite Differencing (FD) – using the FiniteDiff package.
  • Symbolic Variational Equations (VE) – using the ModelingToolkit package.
  • Hand-coded Variational Equations (VE) – when using the HandcodedCR3BP model.

Each of the above methods is implemented in OrbitalTrajectories.jl. Below, we demonstrate how to use the Automatic Differentiation (AD) method to compute and plot the STM:

# Compute the STM at the final point of the trajectory (with respect to initial state)
STM = sensitivity(AD, state)
6×6 StaticArrays.MMatrix{6, 6, Float64, 36} with indices SOneTo(6)×SOneTo(6):
   1.0498    -0.00123912   0.0         5.97106e-5    0.0206402  0.0
 -96.0235     1.42833      0.0        -0.0206402   -39.7994     0.0
   0.0        0.0          0.999882    0.0           0.0        0.00914232
  39.6425    -0.176775     0.0         1.00852      16.4247     0.0
   0.933847  -0.0232366    0.0         0.0011197     1.38705    0.0
   0.0        0.0         -0.0257983   0.0           0.0        0.999882

We can check that the stability index (maximum eigenvalue) matches the value from the paper.[Pellegrini2016]

# Check if STM eigenvalues matches what [Pellegrini2016] gives
λ_max = maximum(norm.(eigvals(Matrix(STM))))
@assert isapprox(λ_max, case.λ_max; rtol=1e-5)

We can also compute and plot the STM along the full trajectory. Note that this trace is also interpolatable at any point.

# Compute the STM trace (i.e. the STM at every point along the trajectory)
STM_trace = sensitivity_trace(AD, state)

# Plot the STM elements
plot(STM_trace; trace=true)

We can also plot the stability index directly:

# Plot the STM stability index (i.e. maximum eigenvalue)
plot(STM_trace; trace_stability=true)

Plot all the trajectories and STM stability traces

The models we will test are the following:

models = (EphemerisNBP, BC4BP, ER3BP, CR3BP, HandcodedCR3BP)

The test cases are plotted and traced for each of the above models as follows.

using Unitful                # Units (u"km", u"d" (days)) and unit conversion
using LaTeXStrings           # So we can use Latex formatting in strings
using Plots.PlotMeasures     # To change plot margins using "mm" units

frame = SynodicFrame()
plot_attrs = (legendfontsize=8, titlefontsize=10, bg_color_legend=RGBA(1, 1, 1, 0.5), fg_color_legend=nothing)

p_orbits = []
p_traces = []

for (j, case) in enumerate(test_cases)
    push!(p_orbits, plot())
    push!(p_traces, plot())

    for (i, model) in enumerate(models)
        if model == HandcodedCR3BP || model <: Union{CR3BP, ER3BP}
            bodies = case.system[1:2]
            system = model(bodies...; μ=case.μ)
            system = model(case.system...)

        # Plotting options for this model
        sys_name = String(nameof(typeof(system))) * (isa(system, CR3BP{true}) ? " (hand-coded)" : "")
        alpha = isa(system, CR3BP) ? 1. : 0.7
        VE_label = " only"

        # Set an appropriate timespan
        t_init = π/4  # arbitrary initial epoch
        tspan = (t_init, t_init + case.t_p)
        if isa(system, EphemerisNBP)
            # tspan[1] is effectively an arbitrarily-chosen initial epoch time
            props = R3BPSystemProperties(primary_body(system), secondary_body(system))
            tspan = (tspan[1], case.t_p * ustrip(u"s", props.T) + tspan[1])
            alpha = 1.0

        # Convert initial state relative to secondary body --> relative to primary body
        u0 = copy(case.u0)
        u0[1] += 1 - case.μ

        # Generate initial state and trajectory
        state = State(system, frame, u0, tspan)
        traj = solve(state)

        # Plot the trajectory
        color = [:orange, :green, :red, :blue, :black][i]
        !isa(system, CR3BP{true}) && plot!(p_orbits[end], traj, frame; arrow=false, title=case.plot_args.label,
            linewidth=isa(system, CR3BP{false}) ? 1.5 : 1, color, label="", alpha, nolabels=true,
            origin_secondary=false, case.plot_args..., plot_attrs...)

        # Build trace using Variational Equations (VE)
        if has_variational_equations(typeof(state))
            traj_VE = sensitivity_trace(VE, state, frame)
            VE_label = " & VE"

            # Extract the sensitivities
            tspan = range(traj_VE.t[begin], traj_VE.t[end], length=1000)
            tnorm = range(0., 1., length=length(tspan))
            u_vals = traj_VE.sol.(tspan)
            dim = length(state.u0)
            eigenvalues = eigvals.([reshape(ut[dim+1:end], (dim, dim)) for ut in u_vals])
            stability_indices = map(x -> maximum(norm.(x)), eigenvalues)

            # Plot!
            !isa(system, CR3BP{true}) && plot!(p_traces[end], tnorm, stability_indices; linestyle=:dash, color, label="", alpha)
        VE_label = isa(system, CR3BP{false}) ? "$(VE_label) & hand-coded" : VE_label

        # Build trace using Automatic Differentiation (AD)
        traj_AD = sensitivity_trace(AD, state, frame)
        !isa(system, CR3BP{true}) && plot!(p_traces[end], traj_AD, frame; trace_stability=true, label="$(sys_name) (AD$(VE_label))", color,
            link=:y, yscale=:log10, ylabel=(j == 1) ? L"$\lambda_{\max}(\textrm{STM})$" : "", ytickfontcolor=(j == 1) ? RGBA(0,0,0,1) : RGBA(0,0,0,0),
            ytickfontsize=(j == 1) ? 8 : 0, ygrid=true, legend=(j==1) ? :topleft : false, alpha, plot_attrs...)
        j == 2 && plot!(p_traces[end]; xlabel="Time (normalised to 1 period)")

        # Build trace using Finite Differencing (FD)
        STM_FD = Matrix(sensitivity(FD, state, frame))
        λ_max_FD = maximum(norm.(eigvals(STM_FD)))
        isa(system, CR3BP{false}) && scatter!(p_traces[end], [1.], [λ_max_FD]; color=:black, markersize=6, markerstrokewidth=0, markershape=:star5,
        !isa(system, CR3BP{true}) && scatter!(p_traces[end], [1.], [λ_max_FD]; color, markersize=6, markerstrokewidth=0, markershape=:star5, label="")

# Plot: trajectories and STM traces
plot(p_orbits..., p_traces...; layout=(2,3), thickness_scaling=0.75, left_margin=2mm, right_margin=4mm)
  • Padilha2021Dan Padilha, Diogene A. Dei Tos, Nicola Baresi, Junichiro Kawaguchi, "Modern Numerical Programming with Julia for Astrodynamic Trajectory Design", 31st AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting, 2021.
  • Pellegrini2016Etienne Pellegrini, Ryan P. Russell, "On the Computation and Accuracy of Trajectory State Transition Matrices", Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Vol. 39 Issue 11, Pg. 2485-2499, 2016, DOI:10.2514/1.G001920.